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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Lawrence To Receive $40,000 DEC Grant

   Governor Phil Bredesen and Commissioner of Environment and Conservation Jim Fyke announced Thursday that $40,000 in grant funding has been allocated to Lawrence County for the disposal of used tires.

   The Waste Tire Grants totaling some $4.2 million are divided between communities across the state in order to help divert waste tires from landfills, and maintain a healthy environment.

   Waste tire grants assist counties with the processing and transportation of tires to “beneficial end use” facilities. Counties are reimbursed $70 per ton of tires and are required to provide one waste tire collection site. Counties may charge an additional fee if the grant is not adequate to cover costs.

   The grants are supported from the Waste Tire Fund, which receives revenue from a state surcharge on the purchase of new tires. The fund is administered by the Department of Environment and Conservation.

   Tennessee recycles an estimated 60,000 tons of tires per year, diverting waste tires from landfills and sending them to beneficial end use, including utilizing crumb rubber in civil engineering projects, asphalt paving, and molded rubber products. The majority of Tennessee’s waste tires are used as Tire Derived Fuel, a process which conserves fossil fuels and provides a waste-to-energy disposal method.

   “In addition to littering the landscape, the improper disposal of tires can result in both health and environmental hazards,” said Senator Doug Jackson. “I appreciate the difference this program makes in helping our community deal with waste tires.”

   Representative Joey Hensley added, “It’s good to see this funding come back to Lawrence County.”

   Of the grant, Bredesen expressed, “The efforts of the state’s local partners are key to the success of this program to divert waste tires from landfills for the benefit of our natural environment. I’m pleased the Solid Waste Management Act continues to allow us to provide support and funding to local communities for this very important program.”